
The areas of focus for this subject matter consist of statistics on health, education and crime. Health consists of information that speaks to the overall health status of the Guyanese people and the quality of health services provided. Education statistics captures the attendance of our school-age population at all levels of schooling. While crime statistics refers to reported serious crimes that occur within the boundaries of Guyana. Read More
This is the collection, extraction and compilation of all merchandise trade data (trade in goods) from various sources to produce and disseminate merchandise trade statistics of the economy, of which the two main types are the quantity and value of exports and imports. Read More
This section disseminates information on average rainfall, hours of bright sunshine, maximum and minimum temperate as well as relative humidity. This information is collected from the various Meteorological Stations situated on the coastland of Guyana. Read More
Information in this section is captured from three (3) Government entities. The Labour component refers to employment in the public sector. The Social security component is the number of pensioners, and the Transportation refers to the registration of new motor vehicles annually by the Guyana Revenue Authority. Read More
National Accounts is an accounting framework which presents the operation of the nation’s economy in much the same ways as business accounts describe the operation of an enterprise. It is based on a set of internationally agreed concepts, definitions, classifications and accounting rules. The main building blocks in the system of national accounts are classifications. One such classification used is the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC. REV.4). Read More
Consumer Price Indices (CPI) are measured on the basis of changes in the monthly cost of a fixed basket of goods and services. Prices are recorded at the retail level. The items which make up the basket of goods and services used by the Bureau of Statistics were selected after the completion of a Household Budget Survey (HBS) in 2006. Read More